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Top of Funnel Search

Top of Funnel (ToFu) Search refers to the initial phase in the buyer's journey where potential customers are just beginning to identify their needs and search for general information or solutions.


In digital marketing, Top of Funnel Search is crucial for attracting a wide audience who are in the early stages of the buying process. These users are typically looking for educational content, guides, or broad information about a topic, rather than specific products or services. At this stage, marketers aim to create content that addresses common questions or problems their target audience may have. The goal is to build awareness and interest without pushing for an immediate sale. Content such as blog posts, how-to articles, infographics, and videos are often used to capture attention and provide value. By effectively engaging with users at the top of the funnel, businesses can nurture relationships and guide potential customers down the funnel towards making a purchase decision.


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