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The Snorkel/Scuba Method

A digital marketing strategy that involves both a broad overview (snorkeling) and a deep dive (scuba) into data and analytics to optimize campaigns and understand audience behavior.


The Snorkel/Scuba Method in digital marketing is a dual-layered approach where marketers first take a general overview (snorkeling) of their campaign metrics and audience data to identify broad trends and patterns. Once these general insights are gathered, they then perform a deep dive (scuba) into specific data points and segments to uncover detailed, actionable insights. This method helps in balancing between seeing the big picture and understanding the minute details, thereby enabling more informed and effective marketing strategies. It’s like looking at a map to understand the terrain (snorkeling) before zooming in on specific routes and landmarks (scuba). By alternating between these two perspectives, marketers can ensure they are not missing out on critical details while still maintaining an overall strategic direction.


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