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Stacked Bar Chart

A stacked bar chart is a graphical representation used to display the cumulative composition of different components across various categories in the digital marketing industry.


In the digital marketing industry, a stacked bar chart is a powerful visualization tool that helps marketers understand the distribution and proportion of different metrics, such as ad spend, click-through rates, or conversions, across multiple categories. Each bar in the chart represents a total value, and segments within the bar represent the contributions of various components to that total. This makes it easier for marketers to compare not just the total values across categories but also the individual contributions to those totals. For example, a stacked bar chart can show how different social media platforms contribute to total website traffic, or how various marketing campaigns impact overall sales. By using different colors or shades for each segment, these charts offer a clear and concise way to present complex data, making it easier for teams to make data-driven decisions.


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