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Skyscraper Ad

A Skyscraper Ad is a tall, vertical online advertisement typically found on the sidebars of web pages.


In digital marketing, a Skyscraper Ad is a form of display advertising that stands out due to its vertical orientation and significant height, making it hard to miss. These ads are designed to grab the viewer's attention as they scroll down a webpage. With dimensions often around 160x600 pixels or 120x600 pixels, Skyscraper Ads are ideal for delivering a substantial amount of information, visuals, or calls-to-action in a single ad unit. They are commonly used in various industries to promote products, services, or brand messages. The towering format allows for creative freedom, enabling marketers to showcase their offerings with impactful imagery and compelling text. These ads can be static or dynamic, with the latter including animations or interactive elements to engage users further.


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