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Recycled Spam Trap

A recycled spam trap is an email address that was once valid but has been abandoned and later repurposed by internet service providers (ISPs) or anti-spam organizations to identify spammers and senders with poor list hygiene.


In the digital marketing industry, a recycled spam trap serves as a tool for ISPs and anti-spam entities to catch senders who are not following best practices for managing their email lists. These email addresses were once active and belonged to real users. Over time, the users abandoned these addresses, and eventually, they were reactivated as spam traps. Marketers who send emails to these addresses are flagged for having outdated or improperly maintained email lists. This can negatively impact their sending reputation and email deliverability. To avoid triggering recycled spam traps, marketers should regularly clean their email lists, remove inactive subscribers, and use double opt-in methods to ensure they are emailing active and engaged users.


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