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Reach–Value Matrix

A strategic tool used in digital marketing to evaluate and prioritize marketing activities based on their potential reach and the value they bring to the business.


The Reach–Value Matrix is a framework that helps digital marketers assess and organize their marketing efforts by plotting them on a two-dimensional grid. The 'reach' axis measures how many people a marketing activity can potentially engage, while the 'value' axis evaluates the potential return or impact the activity can have on the business. This matrix allows marketers to visualize which activities offer the greatest potential for widespread engagement and high value. By categorizing activities into quadrants, marketers can identify high-reach, high-value opportunities to prioritize, as well as low-reach, low-value activities that may not be worth the investment of time and resources. This strategic tool aids in making informed decisions to optimize marketing efforts, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently to maximize both reach and value.


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