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Pop-Under Ad

A pop-under ad is an online advertisement that opens in a new browser window behind the current window, remaining unseen until the original window is closed or minimized.


In the digital marketing landscape, a pop-under ad is a type of online advertisement designed to capture user attention in a less intrusive manner compared to pop-up ads. Unlike pop-up ads that appear in front of the current browser window, pop-under ads open in a new browser window behind the active window. This means the user typically sees the ad only after closing or minimizing the current window, making it a subtler form of advertising. While they are less likely to interrupt the user experience immediately, they can still effectively drive traffic and conversions. Pop-under ads are often used for promoting special offers, discounts, or introducing new products and services. Despite their less intrusive nature, they can still be perceived as annoying if overused, so it’s important for marketers to use them judiciously and ensure they deliver relevant and engaging content to the target audience.


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