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Phrase Match

Phrase match is a keyword matching option in digital marketing that allows your ads to show when a user searches for your keyword phrase, or close variations of it, in the exact order but with additional words before or after.


Phrase match is a versatile tool in digital marketing, especially within pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. It strikes a balance between the broad reach of broad match and the precision of exact match. When you use phrase match, your ad can appear when someone searches for your exact keyword phrase, even if they include extra words before or after it. For example, if your phrase match keyword is 'running shoes,' your ad could show up for searches like 'best running shoes' or 'running shoes for women.' This option helps you reach a more targeted audience compared to broad match, reducing irrelevant clicks while still capturing a wider range of search queries compared to exact match. It's particularly useful for businesses looking to attract users with specific search intent while allowing for natural variations in how people search. This way, you can optimize your ad spend by focusing on users who are more likely to convert.


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