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Phone-Through Rate

Phone-Through Rate (PTR) is a metric in digital marketing that measures the percentage of users who click on a phone number link and initiate a call through a digital ad or website.


In digital marketing, the Phone-Through Rate (PTR) is crucial for businesses that rely on direct customer interaction, such as service-based industries or local businesses. PTR is calculated by taking the number of clicks on a phone number link (click-to-call) and dividing it by the total number of impressions or visits, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. This metric helps marketers understand how effectively their digital content encourages users to take the next step and make a call. High PTR often indicates strong interest or compelling calls-to-action, whereas a low PTR might suggest that the ad or content needs optimization. By analyzing PTR, businesses can adjust their strategies to better meet customer needs and improve conversion rates.


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