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Pay Per Sale (PPS)

Pay Per Sale (PPS) is a digital marketing model where advertisers pay affiliates a commission only when a sale is made.


In the digital marketing industry, Pay Per Sale (PPS) is a performance-based advertising model. This model is particularly beneficial for online businesses and e-commerce platforms as it ensures that marketing expenditures are directly tied to revenue generation. In a PPS arrangement, affiliates promote products or services on behalf of the advertiser. The affiliates receive a commission only when their promotional efforts result in an actual sale. This model encourages affiliates to employ effective marketing strategies, as their earnings depend on the success of their efforts. It also minimizes the risk for advertisers since they only pay for tangible results, making budget allocation more efficient. PPS is commonly used in affiliate marketing programs, where businesses leverage the reach and influence of affiliates to boost their sales without upfront costs.


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