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Pagejacking is a malicious practice in digital marketing where a webpage is copied and published on a different URL, typically to siphon off traffic or deceive users.


In the digital marketing world, pagejacking is a form of cyber theft where a webpage is essentially cloned and placed on another URL. The primary goal of this malicious activity is to attract the original site's traffic to the new, unauthorized page. This can lead to several negative outcomes, including a loss of revenue, damaged reputation, and decreased search engine rankings for the original site. Hackers often employ this technique to drive unsuspecting users to phishing sites, malware-infected pages, or sites with illicit content. Pagejacking can be challenging to detect because the cloned site may appear almost identical to the original, making it difficult for users to notice any differences. To combat this, digital marketers must stay vigilant, regularly monitor their web traffic, and employ robust security measures to protect their content.


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