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Negative Match Type

A setting in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising where ads are prevented from showing up for specific search queries.


In the digital marketing world, a negative match type is a crucial tool for advertisers who want to fine-tune their ad campaigns. This setting ensures that your ads do not appear for searches that contain specific words or phrases, helping you avoid irrelevant traffic and wasted ad spend. For example, if you sell premium coffee machines but do not offer any coffee beans, you might use negative match types to exclude searches like 'coffee beans' or 'buy coffee beans.' By doing so, you can focus your budget on more relevant queries that are likely to convert into sales. Negative match types can be set at the campaign or ad group level, offering flexibility in how you control your ad visibility. They help improve the overall return on investment (ROI) by reducing the number of uninterested or low-intent clicks, thereby allowing you to allocate resources more effectively.


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