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Negative Keyword

A negative keyword is a type of keyword used in digital marketing to prevent ads from being shown to people searching for those specific terms.


In the digital marketing industry, negative keywords are essential for refining and optimizing ad campaigns. By specifying negative keywords, advertisers can avoid displaying their ads to users who are unlikely to be interested in their products or services. This helps in saving budget and ensuring that the ads reach a more relevant audience. For instance, if a company sells luxury watches, they might add 'cheap' as a negative keyword to prevent their ads from appearing in searches for 'cheap watches'. Using negative keywords effectively can significantly improve the return on investment (ROI) of ad campaigns by reducing irrelevant clicks and increasing the click-through rate (CTR). Negative keywords can be applied at both the campaign and ad group levels in platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads, offering granular control over ad targeting.


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