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A Like-Gate is a digital marketing tactic used on social media platforms, primarily Facebook, that requires users to 'Like' a page before they can access certain content, participate in contests, or receive special offers.


Like-Gates were once a popular method for brands to increase their social media following. The idea was to provide an incentive—such as exclusive content, downloadable resources, or entry into a giveaway—in exchange for a 'Like' on their page. This technique was especially prevalent on Facebook, where businesses could set up a Like-Gate to hide content behind a 'Like' requirement. While this strategy helped brands quickly grow their follower count, it was not without controversy. Critics argued that it led to inauthentic engagement, as users liked pages not out of genuine interest but for the perks. As a result, Facebook officially banned Like-Gates in 2014, pushing brands to focus on more organic ways to build their audience.


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