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In digital marketing, a 'Friend' refers to a person who is connected to a brand or business through social media platforms, email lists, or other digital channels and is likely to engage positively with the brand.


The concept of a 'Friend' in digital marketing transcends traditional notions of friendship. It refers to individuals who have opted to follow a brand's social media, subscribed to newsletters, or regularly interact with the brand's digital content. These 'Friends' are valuable as they are more likely to share content, leave positive reviews, and recommend the brand to others. They form an essential part of a brand's online community, contributing to its reach and credibility. Unlike mere followers, 'Friends' have a higher level of engagement and loyalty, often acting as brand advocates. The relationship is mutually beneficial; the brand gains loyal followers, while the 'Friends' receive value through exclusive content, offers, and a sense of belonging.


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