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Dynamic Pricing

A strategy where prices for products or services are adjusted in real-time based on market demand, competition, and other external factors.


Dynamic Pricing in digital marketing refers to the practice of adjusting prices for products or services on-the-fly based on various factors such as consumer behavior, market demand, and competitor pricing. This approach leverages data analytics and machine learning algorithms to provide the most competitive pricing at any given moment. For businesses, it means optimizing revenue and profits by offering the right price at the right time. Consumers, on the other hand, might see different prices for the same product based on their browsing history, location, or even the time of day. With the rise of e-commerce and digital marketing platforms, dynamic pricing has become a crucial tool for businesses aiming to stay competitive in a fast-paced market. It allows for greater flexibility and responsiveness to market changes, ensuring that pricing strategies are always aligned with current market conditions.


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