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Customer Effort Score

Customer Effort Score (CES) is a metric used to measure the ease of customer interactions with a company's digital platforms or services.


In the digital marketing industry, Customer Effort Score (CES) is a crucial metric for assessing how easy it is for customers to interact with a company's online platforms, such as websites, apps, or social media channels. CES focuses on the effort customers need to exert to accomplish their goals, such as finding information, completing a purchase, or resolving an issue. High CES scores indicate that customers find the process straightforward and hassle-free, which often correlates with higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Conversely, high effort scores can signal potential areas where customers face difficulties, leading to frustration and potentially driving them to competitors. By regularly measuring and analyzing CES, digital marketers can identify pain points, streamline user experiences, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction and retention.


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