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Crossing the Chasm in Digital Marketing

The process of transitioning from attracting early adopters to gaining traction among the early majority in the digital marketing space.


In the digital marketing industry, 'Crossing the Chasm' refers to the critical phase where a new product or service must shift from being embraced by early adopters to being accepted by a larger, mainstream audience. This concept, originally coined by Geoffrey A. Moore in his book 'Crossing the Chasm,' is crucial for digital marketers aiming to scale their innovations. Early adopters are typically tech-savvy and willing to take risks on new solutions, while the early majority needs more assurance and evidence of effectiveness. Successfully crossing this chasm involves understanding the needs and concerns of the early majority and tailoring marketing strategies to address them. This often includes creating more relatable content, leveraging social proof, and ensuring the product is user-friendly and well-supported.


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