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Callout Extension

A Callout Extension is an additional piece of text that shows with your Google Ads, providing extra information about your business, products, or services.


Callout Extensions in digital marketing are a powerful feature within Google Ads that allow advertisers to include extra snippets of information about their offerings. These extensions enhance the visibility of ads by adding non-clickable text, which can highlight unique selling points, special offers, or important details. By using Callout Extensions, businesses can communicate more value to potential customers without requiring them to click through to the website. This can improve ad performance by making the ad more informative and attractive, leading to higher engagement and potentially better conversion rates. Setting up Callout Extensions is straightforward, and they can be customized at the account, campaign, or ad group level, providing flexibility to tailor messages according to the target audience or specific marketing goals. Overall, Callout Extensions are a simple yet effective tool to make ads more compelling and informative, helping businesses stand out in the competitive digital landscape.


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