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Augmented Product

An augmented product in digital marketing refers to a product that has been enhanced with additional features, services, or benefits to provide greater value to the customer.


In the digital marketing industry, an augmented product goes beyond the core product to include extra elements that improve the customer experience and build brand loyalty. This can encompass a wide range of enhancements, such as online tutorials, exclusive digital content, or customer support features. The idea is to create a more holistic offering that not only meets but exceeds customer expectations. By incorporating these additional benefits, companies can differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace, making their products more attractive and engaging. These enhancements are particularly significant in digital marketing, where customer experience and engagement are key drivers of success. Whether it's offering a mobile app that complements a physical product or providing personalized customer service via chatbots, the augmented product strategy aims to create a more comprehensive and satisfying customer journey.


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