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Ad Exchange

A digital marketplace where advertisers and publishers buy and sell ad inventory in real-time through an auction-based system.


An Ad Exchange in the digital marketing industry is a crucial platform that facilitates the buying and selling of digital advertising space. It operates much like a stock exchange, but instead of stocks, it deals with ad impressions. These exchanges provide a real-time auction environment, often referred to as Real-Time Bidding (RTB), where advertisers bid for available ad spaces on websites, apps, or other digital platforms. This process helps advertisers reach their target audience more efficiently and allows publishers to maximize their revenue by selling ad space to the highest bidder. Ad Exchanges work with various parties, including demand-side platforms (DSPs) for advertisers and supply-side platforms (SSPs) for publishers, to streamline the transaction process. The transparency and efficiency provided by Ad Exchanges have revolutionized the digital advertising landscape by making it more dynamic and performance-oriented.


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